EXO Teasing their Girlfriend for Being SHORT Reaction {Requested}


“Can you please do EXO teasing their gf on how short they are? (I’m requesting this cos I am really short ^.^) Btw, I just found you blog and I LOVE IT! Carry on writing as you just gained a new follower:) ( I have a lot more to say but word limit)xD”

Thank you! Here you go anon!:)


Xiumin: “what do you mean you can’t reach the pot?” He asked you coming up from behind you and pulling it down. “Maybe if you would have put on those heels you love to wear all the time, then you’d be able to reach!” He teased causing you to snatch the pot and give him a swift elbow to the rib as you huffed away.


Luhan: “I’m sorry baby but you know I can never take you seriously when I can see right over your head!” He laughed at you, effectively cutting you off in the middle of your sentence. You were trying to scold him for leaving his shoes in the doorway (repeatedly) and making you trip but you could tell he wasn’t listening at all.

“Aughhh!!” You yelled in frustration. Sometimes it sucked being fun-sized.


Kris: “What did you say?” He asked you, grinning. You wanted to take a napkin and wipe the grin off of his mouth but you knew that would solve nothing. “Ugh, I said that I can’t see can you please….” You sighed deeply. “Give me a boost?”

“I’ll consider it.” He answered simply as he walked away leaving you fuming and wondering what in the world was going on at the neighbor’s house over their fence.


Suho: “You realize your legs practically stop at my ankles right?” He asked you as you both stood in front of the full length mirror in the clothes department of your favorite store.

“I can’t hear you!” You said in a singsong voice as you left him to continue perusing the racks.

“Can you not hear because your ears are small too?” He asked laughing as you picked up a hanger and began chasing him around the store.


“I didn’t know shoes came in sizes this small” He mused out loud in wonder as he held your winter boots in his hands. “Are you sure this isn’t a doll’s shoe?”

You reached up and took the boots out of his hand and placed them back in your closet. “I had to order them special okay? So treat them with care, or else I’ll try and return YOU and get a refund.”

He just laughed at your empty threats and grabbed you for a big bear hug.


Baekhyun: “That’s the rules, I don’t make ‘em I just enforce ‘em!” He told you holding the last cookie up in his hand as you stood on your tippy toes trying to reach it.

“What do you mean you don’t make them? This dumb game was your idea! Ughh if I would have known that to get the last cookie you would just hold it in the air I would have never agreed! You pouted. You really wanted that cookie. It was double chocolate chip, your favorite.

“Tough luck shortie, next time put your heels on and maybe you can have a delicious cookie in your life.”

You watched in horror as he took a bite.

You would get him for this.


Chen: “Why wouldn’t you just tell me that you needed a booster?” He cried out as he looked at the hand held mirror at his mangled locks. You had volunteered to help him cut his hair, but the problem was that you couldn’t quite see exactly what you were doing as you did it. The chair he had sat in had been a little too high so some parts you kind of just cut in faith and good intentions.

“Well thanks Y/N, I always wondered what I would look like if I got run over with a lawnmower and now I definitely know!”

“You’re welcome!” You replied as he began chasing you down with the scissors still in his hands.


“You make me feel like a giant” He informed you and you stood in line for snow cones at the local ice cream shoppe.

“You are a giant, I should be the one complaining, you make me feel like a toddler!”

He reached over and pinched your cheeks. “You’re right you act like a baby, you look like a baby and you’re as tiny as a baby!” You smacked his hand but he kept laughing.


D.O.:  “I didn’t see you at the concert? Were you there asked you?” As he greeted you and walked into your living room. “Of course I was there!” You told him “I was in the front row!” He scrunched up his face like he was in deep thought before his eyes lit up. “Oh you’re right! I did see you! You were just so short next to the sage all I saw was the top of your head bobbing around! Next time I’ll ask them to build a special mini stage just for you!” He laughed.


Tao: “I’m starting to think you keep me around just so I grab things for you.” He grumbled out loud as he stood on the attic ladder handing down boxes to you. “Maybe you are.” You teased struggling with the heavy boxes and hoping that he didn’t notice.

He did.

He looked down at you and laughed as you struggled to place the box down without dropping it on your own toes.

“Be careful, that box is almost bigger than you!” He warned as he turned back to the attic.

“Hardy har, har” You fake laughed. “I hope you fall.” You added in a whisper.


Kai: “Your hands are so little, they dwarf in mine!” He exclaimed as he held your hands in his. “How am I ever suppose to find a ring for your finger if you have elf fingers?”

“WOAH HOLD UP! Are you asking me to marry you?” You asked in excitement your heart racing.

“Um, no….it’s only been three weeks but I mean still you hands are freaking miniature!”

You groaned and threw the nearest pillow you could find at the side of his perfectly tousled head.


“I don’t know why you complain so much about being little, I like the way you feel in my arms.” He told you as he came up and hugged you from behind. You smiled. Sehun might sometimes get a bad rep as being a scoundrel and self absorbed but it was moments like this you wished everyone could see the real him.

He continued.

“I mean you’re so tiny it’s kind of like you’re a bug and I’m the giant shoe that could squash you or let you live.” He burst out laughing as you wriggled out of his arms. Forget the mushy stuff. Sehun was still a big fat jerk.

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